Mineit Attends Sepro & MetSolv’s Canada Day Appreciation Cruise

Mineit attended Sepro and MetSolv’s second annual Canada Day Appreciation Cruise. It was a beautiful day, great food and drinks, topped off with an amazing firework show.

Sepro Mineral Systems Corp. is a Canadian company providing dynamic mineral processing equipment solutions for the mining, metal and aggregate industries across the globe. Go check them out at their site : http://www.seprosystems.com/

MetSolv is a comprehensive metering specialist working with companies in the Oil, Gas and Mining industries to ensure that the cost of doing business is streamlined. Check them out at: http://www.metsolv.com/

Thank you to both for hosting us, it was a great event!

Nico & Shervin at Sepro Cruise Canada Day Fireworks

Mineit Attends Sepro & MetSolv’s Canada Day Appreciation Cruise